Physics XI Karachi Board MCQs Chapter 10

Chapter 10 - Geometrical Choice
1. A lens is a piece of transparent material that can focus __________.

(transmitted bean of light, reflected beam of light, none of these)

2. A lens is usually bounded by __________.

(two spherical surfaces, two plane surfaces, spherical and plane surfaces)

3. Basically lenses fall into __________.

(One category, two categories, three categories)

4. A convex lens is __________.

(thicker in the middle and thinner on the edge, thinner in the middle and thicker on the edge, none of these)

5. A convex lens __________.

(converges the light rays towards its optical centre, diverges the light rays towards its optical axis, none of these)

6. A concave lens __________.

(thinner in the middle and thicker on the edges, thicker in the middle and thinner on the edges, none of these)

7. A concave lens bends the light rays from __________.

(Its optical axis, Its optical centre, None of these)

8. The point to which the light rays are brought to focus is called __________.

(Principle Focus, Optical Axis, none of the above)

9. The distance between the optical centre of the lens and its principal focus is called its __________.

(Focal length, Radius of curvature, none of these)

10. The point in the lens through which the light rays will pass without any deviation is called its __________.

(Optical centre, Optical axis, Principal axis)

11. In convex lens when the object is placed beyond 2F then its image will form __________.

(at 2F on the other side, in between F and 2F on the other side, beyond 2F on the other side)

12. In converging lens when the object is placed within its focal length then the image will form __________.

(At its principal focus on the other side, on the same side where the object is placed, none of these)

13. In convex lens the image distance is taken as positive for __________.

(Real image, Virtual image, none of these)

14. The relation between the focal length and the power of a lens is that __________.

(they are reciprocal to each other, they are inversely proportional to each other, none of these)

15. The use of a single converging lens is such a position when the object is placed within its focal length is called __________.

(Magnifying glass, Compound Microscope, none of these)

16. In order to get higher magnification by magnifying glass, the lens used is of __________.

(short focal length, long (large) focal length, none of these)

17. If the focal length of the lens is 10 cm then its power in diopter is __________.

(1, 5, 10)

18. The power of the lens is 2 diopter then its focal length is __________.

(25cm, 50cm, 75 cm,)

19. The focal length of the magnifying glass is 5 cm then its magnification is __________.

(6, 2, 1)

20. If the focal length of a diverging lens is 6cm and the object is placed at 12 cm from it then image formed at a distance of __________.

(-2, -4, -6)

21. If the magnification of the lens is 6 and the image distance is 24cm then the object distance is __________.

(2cm, 4cm, 6cm)

22. In compound microscope the final image formed is __________.

(Virtual and diminished, real and magnified, virtual and magnified)

23. In compound microscope the objective will form a image which is __________.

(Virtual and magnified, Real and Diminished, Real and magnified)

24. The objective of the astronomical telescope will form an image with is __________.

(Virtual and magnified, real and magnified, real and diminished)

25. The Galilean telescope consists of __________.

(Single lens, Two lenses, three lenses)

26. In Galilean telescope the final image is __________.

(Real and magnified, Virtual and magnified, Real and diminished)

27. The magnifying power of the terrestrial telescope is the same as __________.

(Magnifying glass, compound microscope, astronomical telescope)

28. The length of the astronomical telescope, which is focussed for infinity, is __________.

(Fo – Fe, Fo + Fe, None of these)

29. An astronomical telescope has the magnifying power 100 and focal length of eyepiece is 4 cm, then the focal length of the objective is __________.

(40cm, 400cm, 25cm)

30. The length of the Galilean telescope is given by __________.

(Fo – Fe, Fo + Fe, None of these)

31. A telescope has an objective of focal length 60 cm and eyepiece of focal length 3 cm then its magnifying power is __________.

(2, 20, 180)

32. If the astronomical telescope has an objective of focal length 90 cm and the focal length of the eyepiece is 10 cm, then length of the telescope is __________.

(9cm, 100cm, 80cm)

33. A Galilean telescope has an objective of focal length 25 cm and an eye piece of focal length 10 cm then its length is given as __________.

(35cm, 15cm, 250cm)

34. A Galilean Telescope has an objective of focal length 25cm and an eyepiece of focal length 5cm then its magnifying power is __________.

(5, 30, 125)

35. The instrument, which is used to study the spectrum of luminous bodies, is called __________.

(Spectrometer, Compound microscope, Polarimeter)

36. Collimeter, telescope and turntable are the parts of __________.

(Compound Microscope, Polarimeter, Spectrometer)

37. The part of the spectrometer named as collimeter consists of a __________.

(Converging lens, Diverging lens, none of these)

38. The spectrometer is an analysing instrument used primarily to discover and measure the __________.

(Speed of light, Wavelength of light, Frequency of light)

39. The spectrum of light, which shows band instead of lines, is called __________.

(Continuous spectrum, line spectrum, band spectrum)

40. The front of the eye is covered by a transparent membrane called __________.

(Cornea, Retina, none of these)

41. The abnormality myopia can be corrected by using __________.

(Converging lens, Diverging lens, None of these)

42. The abnormality hyperopia can be corrected by using a __________.

(Converging lens, Diverging lens, none of these)

43. Under normal condition the human eye is most sensitive for __________.

(Red light, Yello-green light, Blue light)

44. The power of the lens is measured in __________.

(Centimeter, meter, diopter)

45. The iris controls the __________.

(Wavelength of the light entering in the eye, Speed of the light entering in the eye, Amount of the light entering in the eye)

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