Physics XI Karachi Board True and False - Chapter 1

Chapter 1 - The Scope of Physics
1. Screw and liver was invented by Newton.

2. Pythagouras was famous in mathematics.

3. Logarathim was invented by Al-Beruni.

4. Omer Khyyam was mathematician and he was also a poet.

5. Pin hole camera was invented by Al-Razi.

6. Ibn-e-Sina was famous for his work in chemistry.

7. Al-Razi wrote about 200 books.

8. 20th century is the century of Physics.

9. Dimension of volume is L3.

10. Dimension of Linear momentum is MLT-1.

11. 9.8 contain two significant figures.

12. In C.G.S system the fundamental units of length, mass and time are kg, km and hour.

13. In British Engineering system the unit of force, length and time are chosen as the fundamental unit.

14. In M.K.S system unit of mass is pound.

15. Candela is the unit of luminous intensity.

16. The branch of physical science, which deal with interaction of matter and energy, is called physics.

17. The biological science deals with non-living things.

18. The class of science, which deals with the properties, and behaviour of living things is called physical science.

19. Ibn-e-Sina was famous in the field of mathematics.

20. In C.G.S system the unit of force is pound.

21. In the field of research the strong incentive comes from Bible.

22. The new era of modern physics began near the end of 19th century.

23. Al-Khwarizmi was the founder of analytical algebra.

24. Egyptian for the first time manufactured paper.

25. Chinese used to measure the flood level in the river Nile.

26. Ibn-e-Sina was a great astronomer.

27. The author of Alsh-Shifa was Al-Beruni.

28. The author of Al-Qannun-Fil-Tib was Ibn-e-Sina.

29. Yakoob- Bin Ishag Al-Kindi wrote many books on the mathematics, astronomy, medicine and other subjects.

30. In atomic clock the time be measured to an accuracy of part in 1012.

31. The unit of electric current is coulomb.

32. The SI unit of thermodynamic temperature is celsius.

33. The dimension of area is L-2.

34. The dimension of force is MLT-2.

35. 14.71 has four significant figures.

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