B.com part-1 English - Chapter 5 - How to Study?

People have great misunderstanding about studying. The majority of students have not learnt the rule of practicable working. Most of the students are unaware about the principles of good study. Suppose a graph is plotted between the learning and studying hours for a student in a day. If he does not study, he will learn nothing (point 0). If he studies for an hour, he will learn something (point 1). If he studies for two hours, he will learn two times (point 2). If he studies more, he will learn more (point 3). If he studies all the time say about 23 hours a day, he will be almost spent and will remember nothing and will learn far less (point 4). If he studies less, he learns more (point 5). It must have a topmost point, which shows the maximum learning for someone in a day.This is called the optimum or the best learning. It's balance between learning and getting tired also called fatigue. If u neglect and gain less than optimum. There will be exhaustion and loss of concentration.

The majority of student's optimum is five hours a day. Taking rest can restore the activeness of the body but changing the subject of taking another variety obtains the relaxation of mind. Mind gets rest by variety. Mind does not rest even in sleep. To rest mind. you can start some other type of work.

Difficult Words
Optimum ------------- best

Fatigue ------------- tiredness

Crest --------------- highest point

Adequate ------------ enough

Chip ---------------- cut

Relaxation ---------- rest

Conserve ------------ save

Exhausted ----------- tired, completely used up

Accord -------------- agreement

Odious -------------- hateful, horrible

Prejudice ----------- (unjust) feelings against someone

Varies -------------- differ, changes

Achieve ------------- get, obtain

Question and Answers
Q.1 Explain the term optimum in the context of the lesson "How to Study"?

Ans. The maximum learning for someone in a day, is called optimum. A student should keep this principle of the optimum mind when he feel exhausted, he should sleep and stop reading.

Q.2 What is the misunderstanding about study according to the author of the lesson "How to Study"?

Ans. There are many misunderstandings about studying. Many students do not know about the principles of studying. The author of the less "How to Study" explains an effective period of study which is generally misunderstood by the student.

Q.3 What are the common misconceptions about studying and how best can we achieve our optimum?

Ans. The common misconceptions are listed below:

1. The students study without knowing their most favourable period and effective period for their study, which is called as optimum point.

2. The students cannot know the efficient functioning of mind.

3. Everyone tries to study but totally neglecting his physical approach and mental efficiency

We can achieve our optimum by discovering the most favourable period and the function of mind.

Q.4 How can you differentiate between the working of mind and working of body?

Ans. People generally think that like body mind also gets rest during sleep, but this is a wrong conception. Sleep just gives the rest to body while choosing a variety of work or change of work only does the relaxation of mind.

Q.5 How can student realize that he has reached his optimum point?

Ans. When the mind is tired, student cannot concentrate on his studies and cannot learn anymore. It is the sign that he has reached his optimum point of his study.

Q.6 How is mind compared to a storeroom?

Ans. Everything is arranged line wise in the storeroom. In the opinion of the author, the mind is like storeroom. Its efficiency depends on the fact that how it is cataloged. When the examinations are near new material should not be attemted because it cannot be assimilated by mind however the revision should be beneficial.

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