Details of Robbery
On 18th June at about 2:50 pm two robbers wearing loose white coats like dentists, covering their faces with Mickey Mouse masks rushed into the main branch of New Era Jewelers at 10 Main Street. One of them was holding a revolver pointed at the staff of the shop. Another had a heavy hammer in his hand. He shouted "hands up or we shot". The armed robber with his hammer smashed the showcase. He took out plastic bag from his pocket and filled it with jewelery worth of a million rupees. Then the dacoit hit with ships and entered the street and tore off their masks jumping into a waiting white Datsun drove away. There was a driver in the car who drove the car. Mr Saigal, the manager of the Jewelery shop chased the running robbers but he failed to see the faces of the robbers and also could not note the number of the white Datsun due to his weak eyesight.
Report of Traffic Census Department:
At the time when the robbery was being committed a traffic survey was being conducted in the area of Main Street by Traffic Census Department. The department had set up TV monitors at Bank Road and Ash Lane to record traffic leaving the area and from the film of TV camera it was revealed that on 18th June in the period of 2:46 pm to 3:30 pm only two White Datsun cars left the area bearing license numbers (i) GAL-4926 and (ii) LHE-2197
However by the TV camera set up on Bank Road a third White Van was seen at 2:30 pm. That car was a stolen car which did not leave the area but turned sight from Bank Road and ran along Park Street in the direction of East. Its license number was recorded RIT-7868
Police Investigation About the Three White Cars
Inspector Azam who was assigned the job to investigate the jewel Robbery had sent his men to make full inquiry of the three suspected white cars spotted in the area of the robbery incident and following information was collected:
Datsun Van GAL-4926
This car was owned by Mr. Masud Hasan. On 18th June he drove it with his friend Mr. Asif Jan to the National Bank and parked the car in the car park opposite to the Bank.
Datsun Van RIT-7868
According to the report of the owner of this car namely Mrs. Eva Chinoy she drove this car with her friend Miss Simi Aziz to the Elegance hair Salon in Main Street and arrived there at 1:30 pm where she dropped Miss Aziz and parked the car in the park opposite and went to Nadim Restaurant to relish a snack. This restaurant is located in Cat Lane round the corner from the Elegance Salon. She added in her statement that she stayed in the restaurant for an hour there and went back to the car park and waited for Miss Aziz who came out at about 3:30 and then she drove back home via Main Street and Main Road.
The Car park record proved the arrival and departure stated by Mrs. Chinoy.
Report by Detective Niaz
As directed by the head of Police investigation team. Inspector Azam and detective Niaz investigated Mr. Asif Jan, Miss Simi Aziz and Mr. Nadim Ismail and provided following information about their whereabouts in the afternoon of 18th-June.
(i) Miss Aziz was in elegance Hair Salon from about 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm
(ii) Mr. Jan was in the National Bank from about 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm
(iii) Miss Chinoy visited the Nadim Restaurant in all afternoon of June 18 and left the restaurant at 2:30pm
Consolidation of Investigation Data and Preparation of Situation Chart
Mr. Azam put all the data of investigation on a chart on the white board and got a street plan of robbery area. Then he had a detailed comprehensive discussion on the robbery case with his staff and made a list of suspects and decided to hold further questioning to apprehend the real criminals. In this case the prime suspect seems to be Mrs. Eva Chinoy as it is not known as to what she was doing between 1:30 to 2:30 and again between 2:30 to 3:30 on 18th June in the robbery area.
Difficult Words
Postpone --------------- delay
Detective -------------- a person who investigate
Champaign -------------- organized method of working
Sufficient ------------- enough
Commit ----------------- carry out a crime
Compensation ----------- payment for the damage
Establish -------------- set up
Question and Answers
Q.1 What sort of evidences the police tries to collect after a crime has been committed?
Ans. Police attaches great importance to interview the eyewitnesses who were present at the time at place of committed crime. They as the victims of the crime if they could identify the criminals, if not, whether the eyewitnesses describe the features and appearance of the criminals. The license number car/vans/motorcycles used by the criminals if read by the victims of crime then they should be noted. Next their owners should be located and interviewed. People living in the neighbourhood of the spot of crime are also included in the investigation. All such steps are taken to have a clue to lead to hide out the criminals.
Q.2 Is it necessary for the police to visit the scene of the crime after the criminals have already escaped?
Ans. Whatever degree of intelligence a criminal possesses he/she bound to commit some mistake in his/her haste to escape from the spot of crime. He/she may leave some clue behind which may help police to chase the criminal or by smelling such things by police dogs the way of escaping criminals can be traced. The criminals may leave behind things like handkerchief visiting card or cover of the cartridge used for shooting or some fingerprints etc. Hence the police and detectives should visit the crime spot to find such clues even after the crime.
Q.3 What sorts of people are interviewed by Police after crime has been committed?
Ans. Police keeps a list of habitual criminal their fingerprints, etc. so to have a clue to trace the criminals. Some such history sheets are interviewed tactfully. Further in interviews the staff of the organization or shop in which crime is committed is included to find out whether the accomplice of the criminals is not a disloyal member of the shop. Sometimes the watchman and other staff members co-operate with criminals in committing crimes so such people have also to be interviewed and interrogated.
Q.4 Why police takes written statements from the people to interview?
Ans. Police takes written statements to contract an investigation plan to ponder over and to discuss in order to have a clue to locate the criminals.
Q.5 How police detects that a statement is not truthful?
Ans. Police interviews and obtains the statements of some selected witnesses or the person who in some way know some facts of the crime. Then they record them in one file and compare them. In this comparison if they find that a particular statement is quite different from all other statements then they come to know that the statement is untrue and it makes further queries from the maker of such statement to find the truth or clue to trace the criminals.
Q.6 What do you think the police do with the statements and other evidence they collect? Ans. The police examine the evidence thoroughly and try to establish certain links which might lead them to reach the criminals. Without the evidence and eyewitness accounts, it is almost impossible for the police to solve the mystery of a crime
Q.7 What might be reasons behind a crime/
Ans. There might be a single reason or a number of reasons behind a crime. An important single reason is that crimes are mostly committed for the sake of money. The criminals want big money without any labour. They want to become rich over night. The other reason might include animostly, hatred, prejudice, jealousy and revenge. Of these animosity or enmity is the most powerful driving force which is only second to the greed of wealth.
Q.8 Would you consider it sufficient for the police to interview and obtain a statement from one person only? Give reasons for your answers.
Ans. It is deficient to interview and obtain a statement from only one person. In fact, the more people they interview, the more information they get. If there are clashes between the statements of the people, they might also be removed after talking to many people.
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